It’s an ill wind, they say, an ill wind which blows nobody any good.
Covid-19 / coronavirus is spreading, more people are affected, the global death toll keeps rising, and at exponetial rates. Businesses are closing, in some cases for good. Parents are having to stay at home to look after children whose schools are closed. Stay indoors, do not go out unnecessarily, keep your distance, wash your hands. The times are grim, the news is grim, we are all indirectly and directly affected (and if we aren’t affected yet, we will be).
The times are bringing out the worst in us, the times are bringing out the best in us. While many selfishly rush to stockpile and the shops empty and more are happy to flout emergency regulations, we also see much that makes us proud : the selfless dedication of medical personnel and others in key services, new community awareness, measures of environmental recovery too. These may be bad times but there is much that is good too, generosity and compassion..
Even cheat sites are playing their part. Well, one at least is. A special offer in the face of global catastrophe, Continue reading →